
Best Teemo Build Wild Rift

This champion was updated in the latest Patch 3.three

Teemo Build Guide for Wild Rift

Build Teemo with conviction with the aid of WildRiftFire's build guides. Whether you are completely new to Teemo or looking to refine your playstyle, nosotros will help you have your Wild Rift game to the next level. Acquire Teemo'due south abilities in item, the best items to build, which skills to level first, and more. Teemo is ranked Tier C (Solo Lane) in our Champion Tier Listing


Teemo Baron Lane The Swift Scout

Patch 3.iii

Recommended Function Solo Lane

How to play Teemo

Teemo is an ability power motorcar-attack focused top lane champion. The main goal when playing Teemo is to exist aggressive in the early laning phase and utilize his range and poke to his advantage. He has a very unique playstyle, beingness able to plough invisible at times and putting invisible mushrooms on the floor that enemies can walk over, dealing a lot of damage. In the late game, Teemo is not that great then your best selection is to identify every bit many mushrooms as possible, effectually the major objectives and lure the enemy team to walk into them.

Teemo Build Breakdown

Ionian Boots of Lucidity - Stasis

Teemo uses a mixture of auto-attacks and ability power to exercise damage to the enemies. Liandry's Torment is a great first particular that can assistance with Teemo's damage from his auto attacks and abilities. You will be in combat a lot, auto-attacking and using your abilities to poke downwards the enemies. With Liandry'south y'all proceeds two% damage each second while in combat. Nashor's Tooth is a very unique item for Teemo. You lot want to auto-attack a lot and Nashor's Tooth gives you that attack speed and on summit of that gives your actress ability power for your abilities.

For runes we take the following:


This rune helps Teemo bargain that fiddling bit of extra harm with auto-attacks and his spells particularly in the early game, to try and go an advantage.

Hunter - Vampirism

With Teemo you will be getting a lot of takedowns from all the shrooms you have across the map, this ways you can stack Vampirism very faster to gain more than ability power and magical vamp.

Nullifying Orb

Nullifying Orb is a great rune that gives Teemo a shield that absorbs incoming damage when he drops depression on health. This volition help you survive longer so you can escape to safety or go in for the killing blow.

Hunter - Genius

You desire your Noxious Trap to exist up and available as much as possible to put as many shrooms downwardly every bit you tin can. Hunter Genius will give you ability haste when yous become unique takedowns on enemies.



For summoner spells, Flash is a must on most champions. Information technology's a bully spell to get out of a situation or if y'all are trying to get in for the killing blow. For the 2nd spell, information technology'southward all-time to go for Barrier. This helps Teemo peculiarly in the early game when y'all want to try and fight and get an advantage. The nearly important affair to note with this summoner spell is that it does non last a long time and then you need to make sure you apply information technology when you are about to take damage.

Early on Game

As Teemo, y'all desire to exist really aggressive early game. You lot have actually adept 1 vs 1 potential against other meridian lane champions (especially vs melee champions) because of your range and poke. Make sure yous use Blinding Dart when fighting vs the enemy so their adjacent few attacks will deal no damage to yous. Take advantage of Guerilla Warfare and go invisible whenever possible to gain extra attack speed and exist a surprise gene for the enemy.

Late game

Teemo really struggles when information technology gets to late game considering he doesn't do the most impairment. The best affair y'all can do at this point is using your Noxious Trap to go every bit many shrooms downward every bit possible. This way when a fight happens, yous can walk towards your mushrooms and hopefully exist able to keep yourself alive. When in a team fight, your main goal is to useBlinding Sprint on the enemy carries and then they do no damage for a menstruation of time, and try to auto-assail and do every bit much damage every bit possible. Don't get caught by yourself, as Teemo is not the all-time when it comes to a 1 vs 1 belatedly game.


Overall Teemo is one of them champions that might seem useless but when he gets ahead he can exist very scary because of his invisibility and his invisible shrooms. Make sure you use them to your advantage and you tin can win every game.

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Good luck on the rift summoners!



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