
God Of War Alfheim Valkyrie

God of State of war Valkyries: Locations and tips for these tough endgame bosses

God of War Valkyries
(Paradigm credit: Santa Monica Studios)

The God of War Valkyries are the toughest bosses of the nine realms. There are nine in total, including the daunting Valkyrie Queen, who you can fight once you've taken care of the others. Yous'll besides snag some of the best armor (opens in new tab) in the game if you complete the challenge.

These angry angels certainly aren't a pushover, and yous'll have to wait until y'all've reached a specific office of the principal story before you can unlock the areas they inhabit—though I'd await until you've browbeaten the chief story when you will stand more of a chance against them. There are some minor spoilers for the story ahead, so tread carefully. Otherwise, hither'southward where to find the God of War Valkyries and some tips to shell them when y'all do.


God of War Valkyrie locations

Each Valkyrie is establish inside a Subconscious Chamber of Odin. These can merely exist accessed one time you've claimed the chisel during the story. In most cases, you tin can open a chamber without initiating the fight, but y'all're better off holding off until you're at least level five or six before taking them on.

Foothills in Midgard: Geirdriful
From Sindri's shop, follow the path upwards until yous reach the surface area where the trail splits. The story takes you to the left and into the cave with the lit torches on either side of the entrance; the right path leads you to the Hidden Chamber of Odin, where the Valkyrie resides.

The River Pass, Midgard: Kara
This i is inside the Witch's Cavern, in the aforementioned room where you observe the Turtle's Tribute treasure map (opens in new tab). From the lift, drop downward to the expanse with the bluish lite bridges and cross the bridge before turning left. The wall alee of you is climbable. The door to the Hidden Sleeping room of Odin is inside.

The Mountain, Midgard: Eir
The door to this Valkyrie is found at the back of the vast mines inside the mountain. The door is side by side to the platform where yous controlled the elevator earlier in the story.

Thamur'southward Corpse, Midgard: Gunnr
You'll notice a huge door, side by side to Thamur's hand in the snowy area where y'all enter this region. The Valkyrie is inside here.

Alfheim: Olrun
When you reach the huge lake that is habitation to the light temple, hug the coast to the left until you find a beach where you can dock your boat. The Subconscious Chamber of Odin is at the end of the short tunnel in the cliff confront, ahead of you. The archway is merely to the left of the larger opening with a lit torch.

Helheim: Rota
This i is close to the finish of the bridge. Vault up onto the steps in the middle of the span and turn left to cross the narrow walkway and through a broken wall. The door to the Subconscious Chamber of Odin is inside.

Niflheim: Hildr
This Valkyrie is 1 of the trickier ones to find. She'southward in a specific area within the labyrinth, which yous should be able to detect if you keep taking the left path whenever presented with an option. The video above should assist you out if y'all're having trouble locating her.

Muspelheim: Gondul
You'll take to complete v trials within Muspelheim if you lot want to challenge this Valkyrie. She'south the sixth challenge and is accessible after you've beaten all the others.

Valkyrie Council, Midgard: Sigrun, the Valkyrie Queen
Once you've defeated the other eight Valkyries, place their trophies on each of the thrones in the circular Quango of Valkyries expanse and a realm tear volition announced in the middle. Interact with this to summon Sigrun, the Valkyrie Queen.


(Image credit: Sony)

God of War Valkyrie tips

The Valkyries are some of the well-nigh challenging bosses in the game, then you should brand certain you're well prepared before facing them. Each fight is different, simply here are some general tips that will assist you out during each encounter.

  • Make sure you have a Resurrection Stone: If you brand a fatal mistake, having one of these on hand tin help you lot recover and come back swinging.
  • Exist patient: There'south no easy win in whatever of the fights. Learn their set on patterns and tells, and don't endeavour to make it hits unless you're sure information technology's not going to go out you wide open up to the next attack.
  • Use Atreus when the Valkyrie is airborne: The Valkyries volition have to the air oftentimes, and they tin unleash devastating attacks from this position. Use Atreus to interrupt these attacks where possible.
  • Use your most powerful assault to initiate the fight: As each of the Valkyries will await for you to initiate combat, yous should have reward past throwing as much damage at them equally yous can at the outset.
  • Dodge as much as possible: This is a no-brainer, only you're going to demand to dodge a lot. Your shield tin can exist helpful in some cases, but many of their attacks are unblockable and volition practise a massive corporeality of damage if they land.

Sarah's earliest gaming memories involve playing Jet Prepare Willy on the ZX Spectrum at a friend's house. These days, and when not writing guides, near of her spare time goes into MMOs—though she's quite partial to JRPGs too. She has spent much of the last decade playing the likes of Star Wars: The Old Democracy, TERA, Final Fantasy xiv, and Earth of Warcraft. Sarah has been writing about games for several years and, before joining PC Gamer, freelanced for the likes of TechRadar, GamingBible, and Stone Newspaper Shotgun. 1 of her fondest hopes is to one mean solar day play through the ending of Terminal Fantasy 10 without breaking down into a sobbing heap. She probably has more wolves in Valheim than you lot.


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